Provides afterschool homework support and enrichment along with the 4-H National mandates -Healthy Living, Citzenship,and Science. This program is funded by the DODEA grant; there is no cost to attend. A snack is provided in the beginning of program, transportation is also provided.
This program is open to all students 6th-8th attending South Jefferson Central School.
The afterschool program is Monday- Thursday from school dismissal time 2:20 until 4:30pm on every school day. No afterschool programming will be held on early dismissal, or when afterschool activites are canceled.
Busing will be offered daily at program dismissal, while parent pick up will be no later than 5:00pm.
In order to enroll in the Spartan Strong Afterschool Program a parent or guardian of the student must complete the enrollment form.
Please see link below for access to the enrollment form.